Sex and the shipping in “pandemic” era
Mikhail Voytenko July 20, 2020
Modern shipping is best understood by those with vast experience and knowledge of Soviet Merchant Marine, its’ practices and rules, both written and unwritten. “Pandemic” hoax made seamen life strikingly similar to that of Soviet sailors:
long periods of work at sea with crew change being possible in a restricted number of ports;
seclusion on board during port stays, strictly excluding shore leaves and of course, any contacts with women;
relatives including wives and children can’t join seamen on board, and can’t fly abroad to meet them in foreign ports;
seamen, generally, are doomed to a life of a monk, or a prisoner.
Most of Soviet crews did include several women, cooks and stewardesses, some 2-4 women per 15-25 crew. No big problem if the ship was calling Soviet ports on a regular basis. Quite a problem if the ship was trading abroad, visiting domestic ports with several months intervals between each call. Tension, conflicts, even fights, were a way of life.
What we have now, is worse than it was in Soviet era, because people don’t know, where and when they’ll be changed. Woman must be a nymphomaniac, to feel herself comfortable, while being locked in with some twenty men, who’re totally deprived of contacts with women, for many months.
Luckily, the percentage of women in sea labor force, is still very low, notwithstanding all the efforts of IMO, maritime organizations, Gender Equality Associations and Foundations and the likes. But I can well imagine the life on board of ships, having women in crews, and no perspectives of crew change in near future. No doubt, dramas and even tragedies are taking place on board of merchant ships, worldwide, dramas which remain unheard and unknown to public.
We’re promised a “new normal” non-stop, by mainstream globalist media and politicians, and governments around the world have nothing against “new normal” worldwide prison for all commons, including seamen. They love it. The more “new normal”, the better. The longer is the prison term (forever, ideally), the better. In this new insane reality, those who advocate “gender diversity” and push women sea labor share growth, must be characterized as very irresponsible people, and that’s to say the least.
But they keep pushing “diversity” agenda. Here’s latest “diversity” crap, said in July this year: “There has been a concerted effort over the past years to raise visibility of not just women, but the overall role of diversity and inclusion in maritime. The pledge … is to show its commitment to encourage, support and celebrate a diverse and inclusive maritime industry.”