Maersk hit by another cyber attack
Sam Chambers March 19th, 2018
Maersk has been hit by another cyber attack. Investigators are looking into how hackers managed to get into towage subsidiary Svitzer Australia’s email system for nearly 10 months before the hack was finally discovered on March 1 this year.
Svitzer officials have stated that the attack has been contained and that it was only limited to the company’s Australian operations, which runs on completely separate systems to the rest of the Maersk Group.
According to Danish shipping news site Maritime Danmark, the attack started on May 17 last year when a hidden command in the company’s IT system began to redirect emails to recipients outside Svitzer Australia. The forwarded emails originated from the company’s operating department, financial department and payroll office. The emails were forwarded to two email accounts created on an external server.
A major cyber attack last June saw hundreds of millions of dollars wiped from Maersk’s revenue stream.