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How will seafarers fare once automated ships take over? Scientists predict the future

How will seafarers fare once automated ships take over? Scientists predict the future
National Korea Maritime and Ocean University 25-Jan-2021

"Moreover, to ensure that the marine industry grows sustainably in a new business ecosystem, preemptive efforts to create new business opportunities incorporating ICT technologies are needed," Dr. Jo suggests.

Technology is changing the marine industry for the better, but people can also grow with it, by find their place in this new automated world.



Authors: Sohyun Jo
Title of original paper: Disrupting technologies in the shipping industry: How will MASS development affect the maritime workforce in Korea
Journal: Marine Policy
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104139

Affiliations: Division of Maritime Transportation Science, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan, Republic of Korea

About National Korea Maritime & Ocean University

South Korea's most prestigious university for maritime studies, transportation science and engineering, the National Korea Maritime & Ocean University is located on an island in Busan. The university was established in 1945 and since then has merged with other universities to currently being the only post-secondary institution that specializes in maritime sciences and engineering. It has four colleges that offer both undergraduate and graduate courses.


About the author

Dr. Sohyun Jo is an Assistant Professor at Korea Maritime and Ocean University, where she teaches subjects like maritime transport, shipping management, cargo handling, ship simulation, shipping and other safety management. Dr. Jo graduated from Korea Maritime and Ocean University in Korea, majoring in Navigation. She received her MSc in the maritime safety environment and administration at World Maritime University in 2010. She received her doctorate from Korea Maritime and Ocean University in Korea.

She worked in the shipping company as a navigation officer from 3rd to chief mate for 7 years after she graduated KMOU. She is a Master Mariner who holds a 1st license of navigation for deck department.