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Seamen and their right to choose for themselves

Seamen and their right to choose for themselves
Mikhail Voytenko February 5, 2021

Not many people know about Poseidon Principles, what do they imply, and what’s all about, even people in shipping. Well, in short, this “initiative” is about Climate Change, it’s about saving planet from this dreadful, efficient and cheap, sea transportation, by making merchant fleet inefficient, very costly, and therefore, eco-friendly. Another initiative named after ancient sea god, this time it’s Neptune, emerged recently – give a warm welcome to Neptune Declaration! What the hell is this one about?

The Neptune Declaration identifies four main actions to facilitate crew change and keep global supply chains functioning: Recognize seafarers as key workers and give them priority access to Covid-19 vaccines, Establish and implement gold standard health protocols based on existing best practice, increase collaboration between ship operators and charterers to facilitate crew changes, and ensure air connectivity between key maritime hubs for seafarers.

Obviously, concerned with shipping NGOs, Forums, Associations and the likes, are running short of ancient sea gods (by the way, Poseidon = Neptune, same god in Greek and Roman mythology, so basically, Poseidon Principles and Neptune Declaration are in this sense, synonyms). What gods are next, I wonder? Aphrodite Marine Green Love Accord?
5 Feb 2021

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What’s the main problem with Neptune initiative, propagated now by industry mainstream? It’s as simple as it’s exceptionally dangerous for seamen. Here’s the essence of the whole idea:

The only possible way in which we can inoculate the seafarers on the world shipping is that rather than dealing with the problem nationally, we all accept joint responsibility.
After all, most of our ships are under other flags such as Barbados, the Virgin Islands, Panama and

This could be done by instituting a worldwide programme by the Flag States, to accept that seafarers are front-line workers for us all, and assume the responsibility for an inoculation programme for those on the ships that enter their ports, regardless of nationality of the seafarer or the nationality of the ship…

What does it mean if (when) implemented? It means, that the whole crews will get the jab at ports of call of countries, which are already carrying out mass vaccinations. It means, practically, that nobody will be asking seamen knowing consent, let alone explaining to them, prior to jab, all pros and cons of covid vaccines in general, and vaccine they are to get in given country, in particular. So, seamen in general will get all the variety of all existing vaccines from different producers, subject to something like lottery or roulette (country of ship’s call) as the only criteria determining vaccine type and producer. The ship calls UK? They’ll get the type of vaccine used for mass vaccinations in UK. The ship calls China? They’ll get Chinese vaccines. And so on.

Find some very disturbing facts related to mass vaccinations:
What will happen to those seamen who’ll suffer negative side effects, from mild to severe, when the ship is already at sea, days away from nearest available medical assistance? Any ideas, “Neptune Declaration” clowns?
But it’s not all. We’re told, time and again, by all the mainstream starting from Bill Gates The Savior, that new virus strains require new vaccines and new vaccinations, so that our foreseen future will be a chain of incessant vaccinations, from 2 to 5 and maybe more, annually. Seamen, therefore, will become walking (if they will be able to walk, that is) canisters of different vaccines cocktail, walking bio hazard, full of poisonous stuff, brewed by Big Pharma criminals.
All the do-gooders who’re sucking shipping in ever increasing numbers, are of course, touting their sick Declarations as actions which will benefit seamen, by mitigating or tackling crew change crisis.
First of all, it will be only a temporary relief from worldwide restrictions madness, several months at most. Then a new vaccine will come up, new virus strain, new “pandemic” wave requiring new mass vaccinations – as WHO/WEF/Gates repeatedly explain to us serfs, “pandemic” and vaccinations together with restrictions, are a long story. Some 10+ years. I believe, 1-2 years of non-stop vaccinations will be enough to ruin anyone’s health, or to kill him. Don’t forget – all this time, in this dreadful, dystopian “new normal”, seamen will be jabbed with a wide spectrum of all existing poisons (vaccines, that is), unlike people on land, residents of given countries, where they’ll at least, get vaccines produced by the same producer.
Most importantly, these seamen worldwide vaccinations are not goodness, are not benefit, are not a privilege – they are in their essence, a violation of one of the most basic human rights given to us by God – the right to choose for ourselves what is good and what is bad for our bodies and health. While all sensible people all around the globe resist vaccinations and delay the jabs by all available means, seamen will be deprived of this option. They’re treated like slaves, they’re ordered to get the jab, by a bunch of “elite” criminals (and useful idiots), who always “know better”.
I, again, strongly advise seamen – well, mostly of Eastern European nationalities, because of a number of reasons – to leave shipping for good, until the tide changes and this globalist black plague, called “pandemic”, Great Reset, Agenda 2021, etc., will collapse, like a sand castle or a house of cards. Collapse is inevitable, and for all I know, it will happen rather sooner than later.
Feb 5 2021