Ship crew vaccination trends
Mikhail Voytenko March 17, 2021
Two significative articles were published recently, one by GARD, another one by industry outlet, both revealing a true character of persons and companies, and attitude they adopted in the ongoing “pandemic” crime. Here’s GARD opinion on PCR-tests:
To date, testing during the pandemic has mostly relied on the use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests. This test method remains the ‘gold standard’ for detecting the virus that causes COVID-19 and for diagnosing an active COVID-19 infection. PCR-tests are generally very accurate.
There are tons of materials saying and proving otherwise, that the PCR-tests are unreliable and even more, weren’t intended for epidemic/pandemic test purposes, from the very invention of this test. Unreliability of PCR-tests is recognized and acknowledged officially, on nations and international levels. Just one first-hand account: