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14.5% of the global shipping workforce: Ukrainian and Russia seafarer shortage to exacerbate supply chain disruption

Ukrainian and Russia seafarer shortage to exacerbate supply chain disruption
Gary Howard | Mar 10, 2022

Ongoing supply chain disruption is set to be compounded by crew change complications arising from the war in Ukraine, according to the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has made it more difficult for Ukrainian and Russian seafarers to get to and from vessels as flights to the area have been cancelled and pressures mount on vessels to avoid Russia and Ukraine.

Ukrainian and Russian seafarers make up 14.5% of the global shipping workforce, said ICS, with 198,123 Russian seafarers and 76,442 Ukrainians.

Prior to the Ukraine war, ICS warned measures should be taken to ensure the world has enough seafarers going forward. The profession has also suffered from COVID-19 travel restrictions and regulations.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is due to hold an extraordinary meeting where the industry will present an eight-point plan on ensuring seafarer wellbeing, said ICS, including calls for states to ensure seafarers access their pay, and for the establishment of safe corridors for ships to leave ports in Ukraine.

ICS secretary general Guy Platten said: “The conflict in Ukraine is having a significant impact upon the safety and security of seafarers and shipping in the area. As with COVID, seafarers are being exposed to issues not of their making. Multiple ships have been hit by munitions, seafarers have been killed and injured and seafarers of all nationalities are trapped on ships berthed in ports. It is of the utmost urgency that their evacuation from these areas of threat should be ensured by those States with the power to do so. The impact upon innocent seafarers and their families cannot be underestimated.

“ICS fully supports the establishment of a maritime corridor to allow the safe evacuation of ships that are currently unable to leave territorial waters in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. They must be allowed to depart the area of conflict and avoid further humanitarian incident.”

ICS further warned of specific impacts on the global trades in wheat and crude petroleum products.