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DMW: After big 2023 bounce, seafarer deployment slows

DMW: After big 2023 bounce, seafarer deployment slows
Samuel Medenilla May 1, 2024

DESPITE a strong rebound in the deployment of Filipino seafarers last year from the effects of the pandemic, there are now signs of a slowdown in its increase this year, according to the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW).

Based on its latest and preliminary deployment data, DMW said the number of deployed Filipino seafarers during the first quarter of the year was at 110,032, which is 26.28 percent lower compared to the 149,262 in the same period in 2023.

Most of those deployed this year were still non-marine at 48,280. This was followed by ratings with 38,933, officers with 22,812 and others with 7.

Overall seafarer deployment last year reached 578,626, which is higher compared to the 385,239 in 2022.

“That’s an all-time high. Before that, the highest was 507,730. That was the highest in 2019. Pre-pandemic,” DMW Secretary Hans J. Cacdac said in a media forum on Wednesday.

He attributed the trend to the “restoration of global trade” last year as consumer demand picked up after the pandemic-induced lockdowns.

“Which means increased global commerce, which means more ships are out there and that’s one factor. Two is the continuing demand for our quality workforce. There are other nationalities on board ships, but still I think ship owners continue to appreciate the quality of our seafarers,” Cacdac explained.