Editorial (Panay News): Our seafarers need protection

Our seafarers need protection
Panay News -September 30, 2018 https://www.panaynews.net/our-seafarers-need-protection/

TODAY the nation is marking the 23rd National Seafarers Day. According to our columnist Atty. Dennis Gorecho in his piece which came out yesterday (“Pinoy Seafarers’ Rights”), the Philippines is a major supplier of maritime labor globally. There is one Filipino seafarer for every four to five complements on board a vessel at any time.

Boodle fight and National Seafarers’ Day

Boodle fight and National Seafarers’ Day
Dennis Gorecho -September 29, 2018 https://www.panaynews.net/boodle-fight-and-national-seafarers-day/

BOODLE fight is a military style of eating where long tables are prepared and food are on top of banana leaves and dispenses with cutlery and dishes.
Diners instead eat the viands and rice using your bare hands (kamayan), and jugs of water are prepared on the side to wash hands before the “eating combat.”

Fatigue and the modern seafarer

MARINA implements policies compliant with maritime safety audit

MARINA implements policies compliant with maritime safety audit
Aerol John Pateña September 28, 2018 http://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1049477

At least 2 ships beached by tsunami, including container ship

At least 2 ships beached by tsunami, including container ship
Mikhail Voytenko September 28, 2018 https://maritimebulletin.net/2018/09/28/at-least-2-ships-beached-by-tsun...

Tsunami which hit Sulawesi beached several ships, including container ship and general cargo ship, in the afternoon Sep 28. On a video tsunami devastating coastal town in central Sulawesi. Ships details for subscribers only, will be released later.

Italians, Filipinos charged with illegally recruiting seamen

Italians, Filipinos charged with illegally recruiting seamen
9/24/2018 https://menafn.com/1097478243/Italians-Filipinos-charged-with-illegally-...

(MENAFN - Asia Times) Two Italian businessmen and three Philippine nationals have been charged with running an illegal recruitment agency that hired out seamen to foreigners despite having no operating permits or licenses.

Fiji Has 7263 Seafarers With Certifcate Of Competency

Fiji Has 7263 Seafarers With Certifcate Of Competency
FONUA TALEI SUVA September 28 http://fijisun.com.fj/2018/09/28/fiji-has-7263-seafarers-with-certifcate...

There are a total of 7263 Certificate of Competency holders in Fiji, says Mari­time and Safety Authority of Fiji acting chief executive officer Captain Philip Hill.

He said seafarers performed tough and challenging jobs that were physically and mentally de­manding.

Maritime industry’s role in world economy highlighted

Maritime industry’s role in world economy highlighted
September 28, 2018

KARACHI - The World Maritime Day is celebrated every year to highlight the contribution of international maritime industry to the world economy and focus on the importance of shipping safety, maritime security and marine environment.

In today's globalized world, maritime trade plays a pivotal role as it supports, transforms and connects societies worldwide. Scope and scale of maritime trade, which accounts for around 80% of global trade by volume and 70% by value, is testimony to the same.

Cargo ship owners and master charged over large oil spill in Darwin Harbour

Cargo ship owners and master charged over large oil spill in Darwin Harbour
28 Sept 2018 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-09-27/oil-spill-antung-charges-cargo-shi...

RELATED STORY: Darwin Harbour polluted by 'heavy, dark' oil spillRELATED STORY: EPA response to Darwin Harbour oil spill questioned
The master and owners of a cargo ship have been charged and will soon face court, following a large oil spill in Darwin Harbour two years ago.

Knitters produce 5,000 warm hats for seafarers arriving in Liverpool

Knitters produce 5,000 warm hats for seafarers arriving in Liverpool
Sep 21, 2018 https://lbndaily.co.uk/knitters-produce-5000-warm-hats-seafarers-arrivin...

The St Joseph’s Parish Church teams have spent seven years knitting 5,000 hats


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