Taiwan helicopter saves three Myanmar crew members off ship, 3 injured by chemical

Taiwan helicopter saves three Myanmar crew members off ship- Three were injured by chemical
Matthew Strong, 2018/07/28 https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3493769

Three crew members from Myanmar were rescued off a chemical tanker early Saturday. (By Central News Agency)

Naval Dome warns of continuing threat from Cosco cyber attack

Naval Dome warns of continuing threat from Cosco cyber attack
27 July 2018 http://www.seatrade-maritime.com/news/americas/naval-dome-warns-of-conti...

Naval Dome CEO Itai Sela has warned that the cyber attack on Cosco Shipping Line’s Long Beach terminal customer service centre could easily spread to its ships and recommended that the group thoroughly verify the breach has truly been contained.

China's new emission control areas rule to have little impact on LSFO demand

China's new emission control areas rule to have little impact on LSFO demand
Oceana Zhou 27 Jul 2018 https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/shipping/...

Container ship damaged in collision, Antwerp

Container ship damaged in collision, Antwerp
Erofey Schkvarkin July 29, 2018 http://maritimebulletin.net/2018/07/29/container-ship-damaged-in-collisi...

World’s largest container vessels under construction in Shanghai

World’s largest container vessels under construction in Shanghai
28/07/2018 https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/worlds-largest-container-vessels-un...

Construction of two container ships with the carrying capacity of 22,000 TEUs, which would make them the largest container vessels in the world, began on Thursday, the paper.cn reported.

Just five alcoholic drinks a week could reduce sperm quality

Just five alcoholic drinks a week could reduce sperm quality

BMJ Open study suggests that modest habitual alcohol consumption has adverse effects on semen

Analysis: Mysterious Attack on Saudi Oil Tanker Heats Up U.S.-Iranian Front

Analysis: Mysterious Attack on Saudi Oil Tanker Heats Up U.S.-Iranian Front
Amos Harel Jul 29, 2018 https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/.premium-attack-on-saudi-oil-ta...

Washington fears Iranian-led attack on troops in Iraq ■ Israeli politicians say fight to stop Iran in Syria proved successful, but military remains skeptical

Eurotunnel, ferry and plane passengers hit with lengthy delays amid heat and thunderstorms

Eurotunnel, ferry and plane passengers hit with lengthy delays amid heat and thunderstorms
Chris Dyer 28 July 2018 • https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/07/28/eurotunnel-train-plane-passe...

Holidaymakers were left stranded or stuck in five hour-long queues as they tried to getaway for the summer holidays on Saturday as thunderstorms caused delays.

COSCO's cyber attack and the importance of maritime cybersecurity — FreightWaves

COSCO's cyber attack and the importance of maritime cybersecurity — FreightWaves
July 27, 2018 https://www.freightwaves.com/news/technology/coscos-cyber-attack-and-the...

Pooling resources to fight fires on boxships

Pooling resources to fight fires on boxships
July 27th, 2018 https://splash247.com/pooling-resources-to-fight-fires-on-boxships/

Matt Cannock from insurance firm Markel International addresses how the industry could tackle the scourge of fires breaking out on containerships.

As we once again watch a drifting, abandoned container vessel with flames billowing from the containers on her deck, the question must be asked: is it not time the marine industry finally does something about this?


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