Trade Tariffs Could Push Shipping to the Edge: An industry battling higher fuel prices, weak freight rates faces uncertainty of U.S.-China tariff fight

Trade Tariffs Could Push Shipping to the Edge: An industry battling higher fuel prices, weak freight rates faces uncertainty of U.S.-China tariff fight
Costas Paris July 9, 2018

Trade tariffs between the U.S., China and Europe add to the problems confronting the global shipping industry, which was already struggling this year with weak demand and high fuel prices.

Sustainable Ocean Summit to explore Asia's role in global maritime industry

Sustainable Ocean Summit to explore Asia's role in global maritime industry
Rebecca Gibson July 9, 2018

Dutch freighter fire, 10 hospitalized, Denmark

Dutch freighter fire, 10 hospitalized, Denmark
Mikhail Voytenko July 6, 2018

Massive fire rips through Bali port, engulfs nearly 40 vessels

Massive fire rips through Bali port, engulfs nearly 40 vessels
Agence France-Presse 9 July 2018

Pope hails work of seafarers on Sea Sunday

Pope hails work of seafarers on Sea Sunday
received via email 9 July 2018

Pope Francis has prayed for seafarers and fishermen and their families as churches across the world celebrated Sea Sunday on July 8.

“I pray for them and their families as well as for the chaplains and volunteers of the Apostleship of the Sea,” the Pontiff said at the Sunday Angelus in St Peter’s Square, Vatican.

The Pope also made mention “of those who live in unworthy work situations at sea”.

Vatican says chaplains also are being denied access to Christian Filipino, Ukrainian crewmen

Vatican laments often poor working conditions of seafarers
Associated Press 9 July 2017

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican is calling attention to the plight of merchant seamen and fishermen who may face dismal working conditions and be kept from going ashore when their ships dock in foreign ports.

IMO’s technical cooperation critical to Nigeria’s maritime growth — Dakuku

IMO’s technical cooperation critical to Nigeria’s maritime growth — Dakuku

New Report Shows Poor Policies At UN Shipping Agency Put Climate Goals At Risk

New Report Shows Poor Policies At UN Shipping Agency Put Climate Goals At Risk
July 3, 2018

World’s Biggest Shipping Market Booms as Trade War Shrugged Off

World’s Biggest Shipping Market Booms as Trade War Shrugged Off
06 Jul 2018

Will somebody please tell commodity shippers there’s a trade war going on?

Seafarers are Just Like Everyone Else: 'Talk about seafarers being isolated and the younger generation being unhappy at sea, to the point of suffering mental illness...(is not) an accurate assessment'

Seafarers are Just Like Everyone Else
Captain Kuba Szymanski 2018-07-06

There is a lot of talk about seafarers being isolated and the younger generation being unhappy at sea, to the point of suffering mental illness. I don't think this is an accurate assessment, and I don't know why the industry is talking this way.


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