PCG sea marshals deployed aboard ships going to Mindanao

PCG sea marshals deployed aboard ships going to Mindanao
Raymund Antonio March 11, 2018 https://news.mb.com.ph/2018/03/11/pcg-sea-marshals-deployed-aboard-ships...

Sea marshals from the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) have been deployed aboard shipping vessels going to Mindanao as part of security measures to ensure safe sea travel, the maritime agency said.

Maritime Union of Australia protest for seafarer jobs

MUA protest for seafarer jobs
Alex Bainbridge March 15, 2018 https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/mua-protest-seafarer-jobs

Australian merchant seafarers demand work not dole

Global directory launched by Apostleship of the Sea for seafarers

Global directory launched for seafarers
March 14th, 2018 https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/34514

Catholic charity Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) has launched its global port chaplains' directory which helps seafarers and fishermen get access to pastoral and welfare support wherever they are in the world.

The Port Chaplain Directory 2018 lists phone numbers and e-mail addresses of 216 port chaplains covering 314 ports in 57 countries, compared to 261 ports across 55 countries in 2017.

Environmental awareness training course launched

China Is Developing Ships To Cover The Globe Without Captains

China Is Developing Ships To Cover The Globe Without Captains
Ralph Jennings Mar 14, 2018 https://www.forbes.com/sites/ralphjennings/2018/03/14/china-is-developin...

Singapore Launches an Ambitious Blueprint to Drive Singapore Port as the Future Global Maritime Hub

Singapore Launches an Ambitious Blueprint to Drive Singapore Port as the Future Global Maritime Hub
15/03/2018 https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/singapore-launches-an-ambitious-blu...

On 12 January 2018, Singapore’s Minister of State for Transport, Lam Pin Min, launched Singapore’s new “Sea Transport Industry Transformation Map.”

Ex-Maersk executives bring blockchain and cryptocurrency to shipping

Ex-Maersk executives bring blockchain and cryptocurrency to shipping
15/03/2018 https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/ex-maersk-executives-bring-blockcha...

A new platform powered by blockchain technology and cryptocurrency could help save the shipping industry US$5.7bn annually.

OECD: Sweden – a pioneering nation in green shipping

OECD: Sweden – a pioneering nation in green shipping
018 March 15 http://en.portnews.ru/digest/19738/

Chinese companies see subsidies cancelled and permits removed for illegal fishing in West Africa

Chinese companies see subsidies cancelled and permits removed for illegal fishing in West Africa

Evidence of various infringements including illegal nets, shark finning and fishing without licence were handed over by Greenpeace to West African and Chinese authorities

Two Indonesian crew members seriously injured in ship fire

Two Indonesian crew members seriously injured in ship fire
13 Mar 2018 https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2018/03/13/two-indonesian-crew-me...

TANJUNG MANIS: The deck of a ship exploded and caught fire in Sg Belawai here on Tuesday morning, critically injuring two Indonesian crew members.


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