Container ship and cargo ship collided in Great Belt, fire, lost containers

Container ship and cargo ship collided in Great Belt, fire, lost containers
NIKOLAY TORKIN March 27, 2018

Clip PPA and CPA’s port regulatory power–PIDS

Clip PPA and CPA’s port regulatory power–PIDS
Cai Ordinario - March 25, 2018

The creation of a separate entity to function as a port regulator could bring down the cost of logistics in the country, according to the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS).

Seamen’s group ink deal to use blockchain ‘wallet’: 'lower transaction fees, faster transaction time'

Seamen’s group ink deal to use blockchain ‘wallet’
ANNA LEAH E. GONZALES March 27, 2018

The Seamanpreneurs Consumer Cooperative (Seacoop) has signed an agreement with blockchain company Traxion to adopt blockchain technology for financial purposes.

The pursuit of seafarer happiness

The pursuit of seafarer happiness
March 26th, 2018

China’s Belt Road Initiative and the demise of the 20,000 teu boxship

China’s Belt Road Initiative and the demise of the 20,000 teu boxship
Andre Wheeler March 27th, 2018

IMO is the right organization to regulate maritime industry: BIMCO

IMO is the right organization to regulate maritime industry: BIMCO

The maritime industry needs global regulations for a global industry, which makes the International Maritime Organization, or IMO, the right organization for this task, BIMCO’s chief shipping analyst Peter Sand told S&P Global Platts Monday.

Indonesia's protectionist shipping rule worries coal importers

Indonesia's protectionist shipping rule worries coal importers
March 26, 2018

Japanese charge violation of trade pacts and warn move will backfire

We’re being maltreated, detained crew tells NIMASA

We’re being maltreated, detained crew tells NIMASA
MARCH 25, 2018

THE Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, NIMASA, has been called to look into the plight of the crew of two detained ships, MT United Trader and MT United Venture, who has been detained for nine months.

Container ships MSC SHUBA B and LAURA MAERSK collided in Callao

Container ships MSC SHUBA B and LAURA MAERSK collided in Callao
NIKOLAY TORKIN March 26, 2018

Ships in the English Channel have highest rate of sulphur violations in northern Europe

Ships in the English Channel have highest rate of sulphur violations in northern Europe


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