Losing North American Routes: S. Korea's Share of Global Shipping Market Cut in Half

Losing North American Routes: S. Korea's Share of Global Shipping Market Cut in Half
Michael Herh 6 February 2018 - http://www.businesskorea.co.kr/english/news/industry/20469-losing-north-...

Cosco Pakistan head gunned down in Karachi

Cosco Pakistan head gunned down in Karachi
Jason Jiang February 6th, 2018 http://splash247.com/cosco-pakistan-head-gunned-karachi/

A senior official from Cosco Shipping Line Pakistan was shot dead in his car in Karachi yesterday.

According to local authorities, the incident happened when Chen Zhu, managing director Cosco Shipping Line Pakistan and Ye Fan, a trainee at the company, were sitting in their car while going to shop for groceries at a local mall.

Study finds cleaner ship fuels will reduce childhood asthma by 3.6 percent globally

Study finds cleaner ship fuels will reduce childhood asthma by 3.6 percent globally
Karen B. Roberts February 6, 2018 https://phys.org/news/2018-02-cleaner-ship-fuels-childhood-asthma.html

Marine shipping fuels will get a whole lot cleaner in 2020 when a regulation by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) requires fuels to contain 80-86 percent less sulphur.

Storm damage in the shipping industry – who pays the bill?

Storm damage in the shipping industry – who pays the bill?
05/02/2018 http://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/storm-damage-in-the-shipping-industr...

UAE introduces mandatory insurance for seafarers

UAE introduces mandatory insurance for seafarers
Dhanusha Gokulan/ February 5, 2018 https://www.khaleejtimes.com/news/general/uae-introduces-mandatory-insur...

An FTA circular issued in January states that all sailors onboard should be compensated in the event of injuries during work.

Cargo ship engulfed in fire, crew sought shelter on forecastle

Cargo ship engulfed in fire, crew sought shelter on forecastle
Mikhail Voytenko February 5, 2018 https://maritimebulletin.net/2018/02/05/cargo-ship-engulfed-in-fire-crew...

Hacked at sea: Concerns grow for ship, port cybersecurity: Seafarers' USB sticks ..are one way malware could cause trouble

Hacked at sea: Concerns grow for ship, port cybersecurity
February 5, 2018 https://www.newsdeeply.com/oceans/articles/2018/02/05/hacked-at-sea-conc...

Cargill partners with four NGOs to boost accountability across shipping

Cargill partners with four NGOs to boost accountability across shipping
Sam Chambers February 6th, 2018 http://splash247.com/cargill-partners-four-ngos-boost-accountability-acr...

Futureproofing the maritime industry at the Asia Pacific Maritime 2018

Futureproofing the maritime industry at the Asia Pacific Maritime 2018
06/02/2018 http://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/futureproofing-the-maritime-industry...

Marina accredits National Maritime Polytechnic (NMP) as assessment center

Marina accredits Leyte school as assessment center
Elmer Recuerdo - February 4, 2018 https://businessmirror.com.ph/marina-accredits-leyte-school-as-assessmen...


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