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Closing Remarks by the IMO Secretary-General; IMO Secretary-General on Key Maritime Issues in China

IMO Council, 120th session: Closing Remarks by the Secretary-General

Excellencies, Distinguished delegates,

I would like to congratulate the Council for the constructive and very successful outcome of this session and also the Chair for his excellent leadership. I would also like to congratulate Vice- Admiral Edmundo Deville del Campo for his election as Vice-Chair of Council. I am looking forward to more constructive collaboration and cooperation at our next sessions.

Since the adoption of the Strategic Plan and the adoption of the budget at our last Assembly, the Secretariat, led by me, has done its best to deliver on our objectives following the direction and guidance of the Member States.

We have had extensive discussions on several important topics. You rightfully decided to establish a working group at our next session to have a full, inclusive and forward-looking discussion on Council reforms. This is a timely decision, given that we celebrate 70 years of IMO history this year and now is the perfect time to look into the future.


IMO Secretary-General on Key Maritime Issues in China
Shailaja A. Lakshmi July 13, 2018

First stop: the Dalian Maritime University. International Maritime Organization (IMO) Secretary-General Kitack Lim marked the start of the Master's degree programme on Maritime Safety and Environmental Management – a joint programme with the World Maritime University (WMU) during a busy visit to China (10-11 July).
Lim told students the course will help to equip them to make their own contribution towards achieving key IMO objectives: helping ensure shipping can continue to serve the global population in a safe and sustainable manner.

Lim went on to attend the China Maritime Day and Global Green Maritime forums, and IMO 70th Aniversary celebrations in Shanghai (photos). Here he outlined IMO’s achievement in the 70 years since the Organization was formed and 60 since it became operational.

During that time, IMO has produced a long record of achievement, developing and adopting more than 50 international instruments on many different aspects of shipping.
