Mediterranean Shipping Company Wins Award for Sustainability and Crew Training

MSC Wins Award for Sustainability and Crew Training
06 Apr 2018

MSC Shipmanagement was named 'Green Company of the Year' at the 17th annual Sailor Today awards in Mumbai.

Russia attempts to sneak 9 Crimean sailors out of Ukraine

Russia attempts to sneak Crimean sailors out of Ukraine
Matthew Kupfer April 8 2018

Russian diplomats have attempted to sneak nine Crimean sailors through a Ukrainian border checkpoint into southern Russia under the cover of diplomatic immunity, according to the Ukrainian State Border Service.

Container ship Hong Yanga collides with Jiang Feng Ling ferry in Hainan Strait

Container ship damaged ferry in collision, Hainan Strait
Mikhail Voytenko April 8, 2018

Shipping and the Environment: 2°C scenario, carbon emission, invasive species

Industry fights Great Lakes’ invasive-species protections
Invasive species risks are being fought by the shipping industry.
Lisa Neff, staff 8 April 2018

Massive container ship docks at the Port of Seattle

WATCH: Massive container ship docks at the Port of Seattle
One of the largest cargo ships carrying 13,000 containers docks at Seattle's container gateway
Taylor McAvoy PDT April 5, 2018 Updated: April 6, 2018

The MSC Laurence, one of the largest to dock at the Port of Seattle, arrived Thursday at 6:30 a.m.

THE FINDINGS of the company-designated physician do not always bind the courts in determining the merits of compensation cases filed by Filipino seafarers

Credibility of company doctor’s findings
Dennis Gorecho - April 8, 2018

THE FINDINGS of the company-designated physician do not always bind the courts in determining the merits of compensation cases filed by Filipino seafarers.

Crew of seized Crimean vessel at large – media

Crew of seized Crimean vessel at large – media
07 April 2018

The crew must come for questioning to the SBU Security Service department on April 10 in connection with the captain's case.

Two cargo ships collide in China

Two cargo ships collide in China
Press Trust of India April 7, 2018

A cargo ship carrying cement sank after colliding with another ship in China's south Zhujiang river today.

All crew have been rescued and no casualties reported, the Guangzhou maritime safety administration said.

Ship hits historic mansion on Istanbul’s Bosporus Strait

Ship hits historic mansion on Istanbul’s Bosporus Strait
Associated Press April 7

Seafarers’ association wants resolution on certification issue

Seafarers’ association wants resolution on certification issue
Nisser Dias | Apr 6, 2018


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