Change the IMO? That's For Member States to Decide

Change the IMO? That's For Member States to Decide

Transparency International has proposed a number of changes that it says could make the IMO better able to serve the interests of the world's citizens on issues such as greenhouse gas emissions. Ultimately, though, it's up to Member States to decide whether to take on any recommendations from an external NGO.

Houthi rebels unlikely to target non-Saudi vessels following attack on Bahri VLCC

Houthi rebels unlikely to target non-Saudi vessels following attack on Bahri VLCC
06 April 2018

Bahri has confirmed an attack earlier this week on one its VLCCs by Houthi rebels in the Bab al-Mandab Straits, but a wider threat to commercial shipping is not seen.

Shipping organizations: The industry is an indispensable part of the IMO

Shipping organizations: The industry is an indispensable part of the IMO

The IMO needs the maritime industry when creating international shipping rules and there is nothing notable in the fact that the sector is part of the UN body and has an influence on the its work, says an industry organisation.

Deck hand saved lives as fishing boat sank; captain's role under investigation

Deck hand saved lives as fishing boat sank; captain's role under investigation
April 6, 2018

The role of Port State Control in the future

The role of Port State Control in the future
April 6th, 2018

If the PSC regime wishes to improve the industry further, it needs to win the hearts and minds of the seafarers and the shipowners, argues Captain Pradeep Chawla from Anglo-Eastern Ship Management.

Polluters on the High Seas

Polluters on the High Seas
Hilda Heine and Christiana Figueres April 6, 2018

A container ship in the Cochin lagoon in Kerala, India last year.CreditFrédéric Soltan/Corbis, via Getty Images

Shipping under siege

Shipping under siege
Voytenko Mikhail April 6, 2018

World shipping is under massive attack, ahead of IMO meeting on shipping emission cut. Major media fired a broadside, in valiant attempt to rescue Mother Earth from this dreadful shipping and greedy thugs who still run it.

State aid: Commission approves Portuguese tonnage tax and seafarer scheme

State aid: Commission approves Portuguese tonnage tax and seafarer scheme
6 April 2018

The European Commission has approved under EU State aid rules a Portuguese tonnage tax scheme which, together with a scheme to support seafarers, will encourage ship registration in Europe and contribute to the competitiveness of maritime transport while preserving employment in the sector and promoting high environmental standards.

South Korea to Underwrite Hundreds of Ship Orders

South Korea to Underwrite Hundreds of Ship Orders

On Thursday, South Korea's Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries said that it is looking to underwrite 200 ship orders to help the nation's maritime industry recover from a multi-year slump.

Live Animal Exports: Who really cares?

Live Animal Exports: Who really cares?
April 5th, 2018

Our livestock expert Dr Lynn Simpson returns today, with some serious questions for Australia’s Department of Agriculture.

I mean, seriously. It’s only a few million live animals and maybe a thousand or so potentially exploited crew who suffer each year.


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