Extreme precautions taken to remove body after death on cargo ship

Extreme precautions taken to remove body after death on cargo ship
23 February 2021 https://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/rnz/extreme-precautions-taken-remove...

Details have been revealed about the difficult recovery of a man's body from a cargo vessel moored in New Plymouth after he died at sea - described as "PPE on steroids".

Seafarer’s compensation cases and company doctor’s declarations

Seafarer’s compensation cases and company doctor’s declarations
ATTY. DENNIS GORECHO - | February 23,2021 https://cebudailynews.inquirer.net/364743/seafarers-compensation-cases-a...

Courts are not bound by the medical findings of the company doctors in the determination of compensation cases filed by Filipino seafarers.

Suicides at sea go uncounted as crew change crisis drags on

Suicides at sea go uncounted as crew change crisis drags on
22 Feb 2021 https://lloydslist.maritimeintelligence.informa.com/LL1135870/Suicides-a...

Facebook shuts down group with 90,000 cruise ship crew members

Facebook shuts down group with 90,000 cruise ship crew members
Tom Casey 22 Feb 2021 https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/02/22/crew-f22.html

PCG aids 34 seafarers rescued from burning Korean vessel

PCG aids 34 seafarers rescued from burning Korean vessel
Raymond Carl Dela Cruz January 28, 2021 https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1128870

MANILA – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said its BRP Suluan assisted 34 seafarers who were rescued from a burning Korean fishing vessel on Wednesday.

Greek ports to be hit by two-day towage strike

Greek ports to be hit by two-day towage strike
David Glass | Feb 22, 2021 https://www.seatrade-maritime.com/ports-logistics/greek-ports-be-hit-two...

Greek ports will be hit by a 48-hour strike called by the Panhellenic Union of Merchant Marine Engineers (Pemen) on all categories of ships on 23 - 24 February, with the prospects of further escalation.

Seafarer missing after blast on Vietnamese product tanker: No sign of 28-year-old engineer

Seafarer missing after blast on Vietnamese product tanker: No sign of 28-year-old engineer
Gary Dixon 22 February 2021 https://www.tradewindsnews.com/casualties/seafarer-missing-after-blast-o...

A crew member is missing following an explosion and fire on a product tanker off Vietnam.

Hours of work abuse and exhaustion at sea: the risks and the solutions

Hours of work abuse and exhaustion at sea: the risks and the solutions
20/02/2021 https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/hours-of-work-abuse-and-exhaustion-...

Almirante: Hostaged seafarer’s permanent disability claim

Almirante: Hostaged seafarer’s permanent disability claim
Dominador A. Almirante, 19 February 2021 https://ph.news.yahoo.com/almirante-hostaged-seafarer-permanent-disabili...

Heart ailment not "disability" under 1995 or 2016 laws: Supreme Court rejects plea by seaman for disability compensation

Heart ailment not "disability" under 1995 or 2016 laws: Supreme Court rejects plea by seaman for disability compensation
Debayan Roy 10 Feb, 2021 https://www.barandbench.com/news/litigation/plea-seaman-disability-compe...

The Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected a plea by a former seaman who claimed disability compensation on account of a heart ailment (Nawal Kishore vs Union of India).


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