Pope’s charity reaches out to families of shipwrecked crew

Pope’s charity reaches out to families of shipwrecked crew
21 October 2020 https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2020-10/pope-francis-contributio...

Pope Francis has sent an economic contribution to the families of crewmembers of the cargo ship Gulf Livestock, which capsized near Japan in September.

Ship linked to COVID-19 strain never before detected in NZ forced to anchor off Queensland coast

Ship linked to COVID-19 strain never before detected in NZ forced to anchor off Queensland coast
Owen Jacques 20 Oct 2020

A cargo ship has been forced to anchor off the Sunshine Coast amid concerns a previously undetected strain of COVID-19 is on board.

The ship, Sofrana Surville, sailed into Australian waters from New Zealand via Noumea on Monday.

An engineer who worked on the Sofrana as well as another ship tested positive to coronavirus in New Zealand on the weekend.

Pirates kidnap Pinoy seafarer from LNG carrier in Gulf of Guinea, another escapes

Pirates kidnap seafarer from LNG carrier in Gulf of Guinea
Oct 20, 2020 https://shipsandports.com.ng/pirates-kidnap-seafarer-from-lng-carrier-in...

An LNG carrier has been boarded and attacked by pirates in the Gulf of Guinea, resulting in the kidnapping of one crew member.

The Marshall Islands-flagged ship, identified as Methane Princess, was boarded whilst at anchor off Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, on 17 October, Dryad Global said.

Damages for unjustified withholding of the seafarers’ travel documents

Damages for unjustified withholding of the seafarers’ travel documents
ATTY. DENNIS GORECHO | October 20,2020 https://cebudailynews.inquirer.net/346569/damages-for-unjustified-withho...

Manning companies are liable for damages due to unjustified withholding of seafarers’ travel documents preventing them from seeking lucrative employment elsewhere.

Seafarers forced to spend up to 18 months on ships, ITF says

Seafarers forced to spend up to 18 months on ships, International Transport Workers' Federation says
Jasmine Hines and Jemima Burt 20 October 2020 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-20/seafarers-spend-18-months-without...

Australia's ports are being kept open by "slavery", a transport workers' union says, with seafarers forced to spend up to 18 months at sea after being "cajoled, sometimes bribed, very often threatened".

20 seafarers avail of Cebu Port Authority’s crew change hub services

20 seafarers avail of CPA’s crew change hub services
Delta Dyrecka Letigio | October 20,2020 https://cebudailynews.inquirer.net/346597/20-seafarers-avail-of-cpas-cre...

Maritime Black Lives Matter

Maritime Black Lives Matter
October 20, 2020 https://splash247.com/maritime-black-lives-matter/

The shipping industry must act to include more Black people in its community and make them leaders, argues Namrata Nadkarni, chair of Communications and Events Working Group, Diversity in Maritime Taskforce, Maritime UK.

Shipping protests sweep across London

Shipping protests sweep across London
Sam Chambers October 20, 2020 https://splash247.com/shipping-protests-sweep-across-london/

A series of protests across London marked day one of this week’s important International Maritime Organization-led (IMO) Inter-sessional Working Group On Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Russian intelligence accused of bringing down Maersk’s IT infrastructure

Russian intelligence accused of bringing down Maersk’s IT infrastructure
Sam Chambers October 20, 2020 https://splash247.com/russian-intelligence-accused-of-bringing-down-maer...

Near-fatal accident spurs first-time maritime industry action

Near-fatal accident spurs first-time maritime industry action
20 October 2020 https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/428787/near-fatal-accident-spurs-fir...

A Tauranga stevedore company has been subjected to the maritime industry's first-ever enforceable undertaking because of a near-fatal accident nearly three years ago.


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