‘Cancer of the industry’: Beirut's blast proves lethal risk of abandoning ships

‘Cancer of the industry’: Beirut's blast proves lethal risk of abandoning ships
Karen McVeigh and Andrew Roth 20 Aug 2020 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/aug/20/cancer-of-the-indust...

Cargo from the MV Rhosus caused the explosion in Lebanon’s main port – its crew say they were stranded aboard for a year

The problems began the moment Captain Boris Prokoshev set sail aboard the MV Rhosus in 2013.

Fighting for Filipino seafarers in the frontlines

Fighting for Filipino seafarers in the frontlines
Yashika F. Torib August 19, 2020 https://www.manilatimes.net/2020/08/19/business/maritime-business/fighti...

The Philippines has experienced steady and resilient economic growth in the last few decades partly due to the surge in remittances from overseas Filipino workers, a good number of which are from the sea-based sector.

Bulker's Crewmembers Force Crew Change By Refusing to Sail

Bulker's Crewmembers Force Crew Change By Refusing to Sail
08-19-2020 https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/seafarers-force-a-crew-change...

According to the International Transport Workers' Federation, the crew of the bulker Contamines recently resolved a crew change dilemma aboard their ship by refusing to work, forcing the vessel's ship manager to arrange for a relief crew.

InterManager publishes open letter to IMO amid Singapore’s restrictions on crew changes

InterManager publishes open letter to IMO amid Singapore’s restrictions on crew changes
20/08/2020 https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/intermanager-publishes-open-letter-...

InterManager – the international trade association for ship and crew managers – has today published an open letter addressed to Mr Kitack Lim, the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization, on behalf of its members and associates.

Mauritius arrests captain of oil-spill ship: The captain along with his second-in-command arrested amid continuing investigations.

Mauritius arrests captain of oil-spill ship
19 August 2020 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/08/mauritius-arrests-captain-oil-spi...

The captain along with his second-in-command arrested amid continuing investigations.

Mauritius has arrested the captain of a bulk carrier that ran aground off its coast last month, causing a devastating oil spill in one of the world's most pristine maritime environments.

Identity revealed of DNV GL employee accused of spying for Russia

Identity revealed of DNV GL employee accused of spying for Russia
Sam Chambers August 19, 2020 https://splash247.com/identity-revealed-of-dnv-gl-employee-accused-of-sp...

More details have emerged about the DNV GL employee detained in Oslo and accused of working with Russian intelligence services.

BIMCO and ICS prepare for new seafarer report

BIMCO and ICS prepare for new seafarer report
Malcolm Latarche · 18 August 2020

With the future of crewing high on the agenda, BIMCO and ICS are preparing for the launch of the latest Seafarer Workforce Report (previously known as the Manpower Report), the industry standard resource for ship operators, agencies and governments seeki… (login.... https://shipinsight.com/articles/bimco-and-ics-prepare-for-new-seafarer-...)

Australia Maritime Safety Authority Detains Alumina Cargo Ships for Labor Violations

Australia Maritime Safety Authority Detains Alumina Cargo Ships for Labor Violations
Mon, 17 Aug 2020 https://steelguru.com/metal/australia-maritime-safety-authority-detains-...

ITF seeks more flights to ease crew change woes

ITF seeks more flights to ease crew change woes
Genivi Factao August 19, 2020 https://www.manilatimes.net/2020/08/19/business/maritime-business/itf-se...

The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) said the global maritime industry continued to deal with crew change problems and has renewed calls for the government to ensure that the airline industry remains open to carry seafarers for their deployment.

Ship crew change in Subic dry run held

Ship crew change dry run held
Bebot Sison Jr. - August 17, 2020 https://www.philstar.com/nation/2020/08/17/2035787/ship-crew-change-dry-...

SUBIC BAY FREEPORT, Philippines — The Department of Transportation (DOTr) conducted a dry run for the point-to-point embarkation and disembarkation of seafarers in Subic on Friday.

The dry run was intended to test protocols for the proposed activation of the port of Subic as a crew change hub.


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