The Port State Control regime needs to be more human

The PSC regime needs to be more human
May 28th, 2019

Captain Pradeep Chawla from shipmanger Anglo-Eastern is speaking today at DNV GL’s Port State Control Seminar. He shares with Splash readers five ideas to make the system better, which would also improve life at sea.

Major fire on KMTC container ship in Thailand; Industry tracks dramatic rise in container ship fires

Major fire on KMTC container ship in Thailand – worst scenario live UPDATE
Mikhail Voytenko May 28, 2019

Container ship hit pier at Reykjavik

Container ship hit pier at Reykjavik
Erofey Schkvarkin May 28, 2019

Phishing scam targets cargo ship operations

Phishing scam targets cargo ship operations
John Gallagher 28 May 2019

Email phishing tactics have been added to the list of methods being used by outsiders to hack into commercial cargo vessel operations and navigation information, maritime regulators report.

Seafarers Forced to Collect Rainwater to Survive

Seafarers Forced to Collect Rainwater to Survive
ITF 2019-05-27

Two Japanese general cargo ships collide, one dead and three missing

Two Japanese general cargo ships collide, one dead and three missing
Jason Jiang May 27th, 2019

Two general cargo ships collided off the coast of Chiba, Japan on Sunday, with three crew members still missing after the incident.

10 dead, 19 injured after 'deliberate' carbon dioxide leak on cargo ship in China port

10 dead, 19 injured after 'deliberate' carbon dioxide leak on cargo ship in China port
27 May 2019

Ten people were killed and 19 injured after a carbon dioxide leak on a cargo ship that was being repaired at a dock in eastern China.

The incident happened around 4pm on Saturday at the Longyan port in Weihai, a coastal city in Shandong province.

Dutch court rules that Pinoy seafarers on a Dutch ship have the right to the minimum wage

Dutch court rules that seafarers on a Dutch ship have the right to the minimum wage | Lexology
Loyens & Loeff - Edith Franssen April 30 2019

On 17 April 2019, the Dutch State Council (Raad van State) ruled that the Dutch Act on Minimum Wages applies on seafarers working on board of harbour tugboats (havensleepboten).

Soon, seafarers can access their certificates from a smartphone

Soon, seafarers can access their certificates from a smartphone

Abandoned on ship, stranded and starved Indian seafarers send out SOS saying vessel could sink

Abandoned on ship, stranded and starved Indian seafarers send out SOS saying vessel could sink
Ch Sushil Rao | May 26, 2019


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