ITF Calls Out "Worst Case of Seafarer Abandonment Ever Seen"

ITF Calls Out "Worst Case of Seafarer Abandonment Ever Seen"
May 6, 2024

IMO's Legal Committee finalizes new guidelines on seafarer criminalization

Legal Committee finalizes new guidelines on seafarer criminalization

IMO’s Legal Committee has finalized a new set of guidelines to ensure seafarers are protected against unfair treatment if detained in foreign jurisdictions on suspicion of committing a crime.

MSC Aries crew--Pinoy included-- released, claims Iran

MSC Aries crew released, claims Iran
Gary Howard | May 03, 2024

Iran’s Foreign Minister told his Estonian counterpart that the ship was seized for endangering the security of navigation.

DMW: After big 2023 bounce, seafarer deployment slows

DMW: After big 2023 bounce, seafarer deployment slows
Samuel Medenilla May 1, 2024

DESPITE a strong rebound in the deployment of Filipino seafarers last year from the effects of the pandemic, there are now signs of a slowdown in its increase this year, according to the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW).

Houthis resume attacks on shipping

Houthis resume attacks on shipping
Sam Chambers April 25, 2024

After a break of more than two weeks, the Houthis from Yemen struck back at ships yesterday.

More than 4,000 ship engines caught up in Japanese fuel data scandal

More than 4,000 ship engines caught up in Japanese fuel data scandal
Sam Chambers April 25, 2024

An investigation is underway in Japan with overtones of the famous Volkswagen emissions scandal. More than 4,000 ship engines could be affected.

Philippine seafarers banned from sailing in Red Sea

Philippine seafarers banned from sailing in Red Sea
Mayen Jaymalin - April 25, 2024

MANILA, Philippines — Filipino seafarers are now barred from boarding foreign vessels sailing the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Mental Health Issues in Seafarers

Mental Health Issues in Seafarers
Dr. Arthur L. Diskin Apr 9, 2024

IMO Legal Committee to Discuss Seafarer Abandonment

IMO Legal Committee to Discuss Seafarer Abandonment
April 21, 2024

The Legal Committee of the IMO will meet for its 111th session at IMO Headquarters in London from April 22 to 26, 2024.

The Committee deals with any legal matters within the scope of the IMO, including issues relating to liability and compensation, fair treatment of seafarers and the registration of ships. This meeting will discuss:

Four seafarers missing after cargo ship hits bridge in China

Four seafarers missing after cargo ship hits bridge in China
Gary Dixon 24 April 2024

Authorities say accident in Foshan may have been caused by flooding upstream


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