Sailor stranded on ship at Great Yarmouth for 15 months

Sailor stranded on ship at Great Yarmouth for 15 months
31 May 2018

A sailor has been stranded aboard a ship moored in Norfolk for more than 15 months amid a legal dispute.

The Indian-owned Malaviya Twenty has been detained in Great Yarmouth docks since it arrived in June 2016.

Capt Nikesh Rastogi was part of a 13-strong replacement crew for the ship contracted in February 2017.

Marshall Islands Aims to Resolve Shipping Industry’s Safety Concerns

Marshall Islands Aims to Resolve Shipping Industry’s Safety Concerns

The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) has submitted a paper to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Intersessional Working Group (ISWG) on the consistent implementation of the 2020 global fuel oil sulphur standard under MARPOL Annex VI.

2 Judges Side With Former Ship Captain in Whistleblower Case; Uphold $1.1M

2 Judges Side With Former Ship Captain in Whistleblower Case; Uphold $1.1M
Robert Storace | May 29, 2018
Two judges Thursday affirmed former ship captain John Loftus' $1.1 million whistleblower ruling. Loftus was constructively discharged after complaining about alleged safety violations on the vessel.

New regulations send shipping sector hunting for low-carbon solutions

New regulations send shipping sector hunting for low-carbon solutions
Smita Tiwary 31 May 2018

Eximbank to Prop up Shipping Industry

UK Chamber launches guidelines for seafarer mental welfare policy

UK Chamber launches guidelines for seafarer mental welfare policy

Mental illness is estimated to cost UK businesses £30 billion every year through lost production, recruitment and absence.

One in six adults will be experiencing a mental health problem at any one time, according to the Office of National Statistics.

Greek ferries change itineraries due to Seamen Federation’s strike on May 30

Greek ferries change itineraries due to Seamen Federation’s strike on May 30

Blue Star and ANEK LINES inform passengers that due to the Panhellenic Seamen Federation strike on Wednesday 30/05/18, the itineraries of our vessels will change as follows:


North Korea Skirts Sanctions With Ship Transfers Over Wider Area

North Korea Skirts Sanctions With Ship Transfers Over Wider Area
Alastair Gale May 29, 2018

Tugs rescue ferry and two cargo ships

Tugs rescue ferry and two cargo ships
Martyn Wingrove 29 May 2018,tugs-rescue-ferry-and-...

Tugs have rescued two merchant ships and a ferry full of passengers in the Atlantic over the final weekend of May.

Of these three towage operations, the most important in terms of people rescued was assistance to a ferry stranded off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard, in northeast US.

Fire on cargo ship at Portland Port

Fire on cargo ship at Portland Port
29th May 2018

There's been a fire on a vessel at berth in Portland Port.

Five fire engines were called to the scene just before 10pm yesterday where the blaze was found in one of their cargo holds.

It was put out quickly and one person was treated for smoke inhalation at the scene.


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