BP to cut 500 jobs this year

BP to cut 500 jobs this year
SØREN SPRINGBORG 23.05.18 https://shippingwatch.com/Offshore/article10622447.ece

Oil price increases in recent months have not kept BP from carrying out further cost reductions. Over 500 employees will be dismissed this year.
UK oil company BP will fire up to three percent of employees within production this year, reports Financial Times.

Seafarers Count in Ethical Purchasing Decisions

Seafarers Count in Ethical Purchasing Decisions
Mark Dickinson 2018-05-22 https://www.maritime-executive.com/editorials/seafarers-count-in-ethical...

Cast an eye around your home. Much of what you see arrived by sea. Furniture, washing machines, crockery, clothes, home entertainment systems and food – 90 percent of all the world’s goods in fact have been packed in containers and spirited across oceans before they arrive in our shops.

Ship carrying wheat to Yemen hit by missile - EU navy force

Ship carrying wheat to Yemen hit by missile - EU navy force
Jonathan Saul 24 May 2018

LONDON (Reuters) - A Turkish vessel carrying wheat to Yemen this month was hit by a rocket or missile and more attacks on merchant ships are likely due to a spillover of the conflict, a senior European naval official said on Wednesday.

The Turkish flagged Ince Inebolu bulk carrier was damaged by an explosion on May 10, some 70 miles off the Red Sea port of Salif where it was due to deliver a 50,000 tonne cargo of Russian wheat.

Why Geopolitics Matters to the Global Shipping Industry

Why Geopolitics Matters to the Global Shipping Industry
May 23, 2018 https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/why-geopolitics-matters-global-sh...

ITF, Nautilus International call for “real” increase in global seafarer wage

Union calls for “real” increase in global seafarer wage
May 22 2018 https://www.ajot.com/news/union-calls-for-real-increase-in-global-seafar...

Lawyer warns seafarers of risk of ballast water falsification

Lawyer warns of risk of ballast water falsification

There is a risk that some seafarers could resort to falsification of ballast water records in the US if shipowners fail to train them properly, warns a lawyer with extensive experience in environmental matter. This could result in large fines and prison sentences

login.., https://shippingwatch.com/secure/carriers/article10587366.ece

International Chamber of Shipping says: World trade, safety at risk from new ship-fuel rule

International Chamber of Shipping says: World trade, safety at risk from new ship-fuel rule
Bloomberg May 22, 2018 https://business.mb.com.ph/2018/05/22/world-trade-safety-at-risk-from-ne...

Cargo ship in port on fire, fire spread to next cargo ship

Cargo ship in port on fire, fire spread to next cargo ship
Mikhail Voytenko May 22, 2018 http://maritimebulletin.net/2018/05/22/cargo-ship-in-port-on-fire-fire-s...

White House looks to streamline regulations for shipping

White House looks to streamline regulations for shipping
Donal Scully May 22nd, 2018 https://splash247.com/white-house-looks-to-streamline-regulations-for-sh...

An office attached to the US White House is seeking public input on ways to streamline maritime regulations, with special emphasis on commercial shipping.

The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) comes under the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), an agency in the Executive Office of the President.

America Celebrates National Maritime Day ; Port of Corpus Christi celebrates mariners on National Maritime Day

America Celebrates National Maritime Day
2018-05-21 https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/america-celebrates-national-m...

On May 22, the American maritime industry will celebrate National Maritime Day, which was designated by Congress in 1933 to celebrate America's maritime industry and its merchant mariners.


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