Seafarers and infections

Seafarers and infections
Dennis Gorecho -May 10, 2 018

IT IS A well-known fact that seafaring is one of the most hazardous occupations, in regards to personal health and safety concerns of seafarers.

Tanker sailing from HK on fire in South Korean waters

Tanker sailing from HK on fire in South Korean waters
8 May 2018

A Panama-registered oil tanker that left Hong Kong for South Korea caught fire in waters off the southern coast, authorities said today.

Two crew dead, one probably dead, bulk carrier returned to Cape Verde

Two crew dead, one probably dead, bulk carrier returned to Cape Verde

How Hong Kong shipping lost out to Singapore, and the industry leaders on a mission to raise its profile

How Hong Kong shipping lost out to Singapore, and the industry leaders on a mission to raise its profile
Stuart Heaver 10 May, 2018

The city’s history is entwined with shipping, but experts fear the industry risks being dismissed by the public as old-fashioned and unimportant. The Maritime Museum is launching a programme to raise awareness of the sector

If all of the 2,360 ocean going ships owned or operated by members of the Hong Kong Shipowners Association were placed stem to stern, the line of vessels would be 260km long.

Damen Strengthens Female Presence in the Maritime Industry

Damen Strengthens Female Presence in the Maritime Industry
Sylvia Boer 2018-05-09

Damen’s Head of Communications, Sylvia Boer, has recently been appointed President of the Netherlands chapter of WISTA – the Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association. WISTA the Netherlands was founded in 2000 and currently has 140 members from across the maritime industry.

Analysis: Global shipping industry braces for new sanctions on Iran

Analysis: Global shipping industry braces for new sanctions on Iran
Singapore (Platts)--9 May 2018

The US decision to reinstate sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, may result in more trade, to and from the Persian Gulf country, on ships controlled by European companies, but credit finance related hassles cannot be ruled out, market participants Wednesday said.

Related feature -- Iran Sanctions: Global Energy Implications

Thailand Emerges as an International Maritime Training Center

Thailand Emerges as an International Maritime Training Center
May 8, 2018

Since mid 2015 when MCA first approved a Thailand based seafarer training facility, that destination has experienced growth as a popular focus for both advanced seafarers and also entry level crew to complete STCW 2010 and the new updating STCW courses.

Maritime security in focus as IMO team starts audit process

Maritime security in focus as IMO team starts audit process
Harrison Kivisu May 10, 2018

Kenya’s maritime industry is in the spotlight as International Maritime Organisation (IMO) begins to audit the country’s performance in implementation and enforcement of maritime laws and conventions.

USS Fitzgerald officer pleads guilty to role in deadly collision

USS Fitzgerald officer pleads guilty to role in deadly collision
May 09, 2018

A junior Navy officer pleaded guilty on Tuesday to her role in last year's deadly collision involving the destroyer USS Fitzgerald off the coast of Japan that killed seven sailors.

MOL New Maritime Academy in Philippines to Open in August: Construction of Facilities Completed, Official Approval Received

MOL New Maritime Academy in Philippines to Open in August: Construction of Facilities Completed, Official Approval Received


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