Crewmembers escape burning towboat on Lower Mississippi

Crewmembers escape burning towboat on Lower Mississippi
Jan 25, 2018

The following is the text of a news release from the U.S. Coast Guard:

(MEMPHIS, Tenn.) — The Coast Guard and local agencies are continuing to monitor the situation at mile marker 390 on the Lower Mississippi River near Vicksburg, Miss., on Friday.

ITF press release: Seafarers of 'Agean Princess' finally return home after 17 months in Ajman, UAE

Seafarers finally return home after 17 months in Ajman, UAE
26 January 2018 received via email

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) is pleased to announce that the eleven crew of the Panamanian flagged 'Agean Princess' have finally been able to return home to India and Myanmar, after a dispute between their ships operator and owner saw them held in Ajman, United Arab Emirates, for 17 months. However, the crew are still owed hundreds of thousands of dollars of unpaid wages.

Nick Vincent Ong, 25; Neil Bryan Ong, 28, both seamen: Two brothers killed while on drinking spree in Cebu City

Two brothers killed while on drinking spree
Benjie B. Talisic January 27th, 2018

CEBU CITY- Two brothers were shot dead by a lone, unknown assailant Saturday dawn.

The shooting incident occurred around 1:30 a.m. at Sportster Cafe, F.Llamas street, Barangay Punta Princesa.

North Korea kills Russian seamen on regular basis

North Korea kills Russian seamen on regular basis
Mikhail Voytenko January 26, 2018

Corporate social responsibility in Philippine maritime sector

CSR in Philippine maritime sector
January 27, 2018

THE Philippine maritime industry has a broad range of subsectors that require the integration of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities to ensure that they adhere to applicable laws, international conventions and standards.

Export-Import Bank vows to push restructuring maritime industry

Export-Import Bank vows to push restructuring maritime industry

The head of the Export-Import Bank of Korea (Eximbank) said the export credit agency will continue pushing ahead with its plans to further restructure the ailing shipbuilding and shipping industries.

WHITE PAPER: What maritime industry executives really think about smart shipping

WHITE PAPER: What maritime industry executives really think about smart shipping
26 January 2018

A smart shipping survey of Seatrade Maritime News readers found that while the vast majority believe the research into autonomous shipping was valuable, most believed the unmanned vessel was some way off.

Telemedicine on vessels would save lives, say 98% of seafarers

Telemedicine on vessels would save lives, say 98% of seafarers

98% of seafarers agree that a greater provision of telemedicine on vessels would save lives, a survey by Nautilus International and Martek Marine shows.

Iranian Oil Tanker Disaster Highlights Northeast Asia's Faultlines

Iranian Oil Tanker Disaster Highlights Northeast Asia's Faultlines
Tom Corben January 26, 2018

Maersk Drilling axes 84 drillship workers

Maersk Drilling axes 84 drillship workers
Grant Rowles Jan 25h 2018

Maersk Drilling is letting go of around 84 workers in the United States according to Houston Business Journal.

The workers are all based on the 2013-built drillship Maersk Viking, which is coming off a long-term contract with ExxonMobil in the Gulf of Mexico.


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