37 crew changes at Subic hub in 2 months

37 crew changes at Subic hub in 2 months
Henry Empeño November 16, 2020 https://businessmirror.com.ph/2020/11/16/37-crew-changes-at-subic-hub-in...

Filipino seafarers leave the tugboat Jabbah, which transported them from their ship, the MV Dapeng Star, during the first crew-change operation in the Subic Bay Freeport on Thursday.

ITF Calls on Governments to Resolve Standoff in China for Crew Welfare

ITF Calls on Governments to Resolve Standoff in China for Crew Welfare
11-17-2020 https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/itf-calls-on-governments-to-r...

Shipping bodies unite to brighten up Christmas for seafarers

Shipping bodies unite to brighten up Christmas for seafarers
November 17, 2020 https://shipinsight.com/articles/shipping-bodies-unite-to-brighten-up-ch...

To support seafarers this Christmas in what has been an exceptionally challenging year, a group of maritime organisations are collaborating on a campaign called #SeafarersDeliveringChristmas.

Seafarers sometimes constrained by coronavirus

SHIPPING NEWS: Seafarers sometimes constrained by coronavirus
Peter Ziobrowski 18 November 2020 https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/business/local-business/shipping-news-...

Imagine being stuck on a ship at sea for over a year.

A recent inspection of a container ship calling in Halifax found two seafarers from Madagascar who had been onboard for 18 months, well in excess of normal contract length.

IMO Meeting Renews Pledge for Seafarers as Key Workers

IMO Meeting Renews Pledge for Seafarers as Key Workers
11-17-2020 https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/imo-meeting-renews-pledge-for...

Crew rescued as cargo ship sinks on Huangpu

Crew rescued as cargo ship sinks on Huangpu
Wu Ruofan 2020-11-17 https://www.shine.cn/news/metro/2011179973/

A cargo ship carrying two people and 800 tons of steel sank on the Huangpu River in Yangpu District on Tuesday morning.

After receiving a mayday call about water leakage at 9:55am, emergency teams were dispatched by maritime officials. Two crew members on board were rescued.

The ship sank near the Sanpi seafood pier in Yangpu at 10:51am.

Cargo ship attacked, probably Aframax crude oil tanker

Cargo ship attacked, probably Aframax crude oil tanker
Mikhail Voytenko November 17, 2020

Cargo ship was attacked at 0420 UTC Nov 17 in Gulf of Guinea some 60 nm due south from Lome Togo. The ship wasn’t identified, but according to tracks of the ships in the area, it is most probably, Aframax tanker SKS DONGGANG (IMO 9461855), en route from Namibia to Lagos Nigeria. If it’s SKS DONGGANG, she may well escape, or so it looks from her track, meaning she escaped boarding. Awaiting ship’s ID confirmation, more details.

Young seafarer grows grapes to get back on his feet

Young seafarer grows grapes to get back on his feet
Patricia Bianca Taculao November 16, 2020 https://mb.com.ph/2020/11/16/young-seafarer-grows-grapes-to-get-back-on-...

AMSA: No More Keeping Seafarers Aboard Past 11 Months

AMSA: No More Keeping Seafarers Aboard Past 11 Months
11-15-2020 https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/amsa-no-more-keeping-crew-abo...

Chinese heavy lift ship attacked -- 14 crew kidnapped, 1 wounded

Chinese heavy lift ship attacked 14 crew kidnapped UPDATE 1 wounded
Mikhail Voytenko November 15, 2020 https://www.maritimebulletin.net/2020/11/14/chinese-heavy-lift-ship-atta...

Nov 15 UPDATE: At least one crew was wounded during the attack, first aid rendered by Italian Navy frigate team. Later he was taken by frigate helicopter to Sao Tome hospital.


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