'What about us?': Filipino cruise crews struggle to get home

'What about us?': Filipino cruise crews struggle to get home
Ana P Santos 5 June 2020 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/06/filipino-cruise-crews-struggle-ho...

Coronavirus strands merchant ship crews at sea for months

Coronavirus strands merchant ship crews at sea for months
AP June 05, 2020 https://www.arabnews.com/node/1685021/business-economy

ATHENS: For nearly four months, Capt. Andrei Kogankov and his oil tanker crew haven’t set foot on dry land. With global travel at a virtual standstill due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Russian captain was forced to extend his normal contract. He still doesn’t know when he’ll be able to go home.

Inmarsat extends seafarers' telemedicine service with COVID-19 response

Inmarsat extends seafarers' telemedicine service with COVID-19 response
05 June 2020 https://www.itwire.com/health/inmarsat-extends-seafarers-telemedicine-se...

Satellite communications provider Inmarsat has ramped up its response to COVID-19, announcing additional initiatives aimed at improving seafarer wellbeing, including the launch of a new chatcard and the wider roll-out of a COVID-19 video telemedicine call service.

Maritime bodies to fly seafarers back home, to foreign ports;Chartered flight to Doha on June 3

Maritime bodies to fly seafarers back home, to foreign ports;Chartered flight to Doha on June 3
04/06/2020 https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/maritime-bodies-to-fly-seafarers-ba...

Why these seafarers are detained and locked up as they arrive in port

Why these seafarers are detained and locked up as they arrive in port
04/06/2020 https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/why-these-seafarers-are-detained-an...

While merchant shipping crews who arrive in Victoria are generally banned under pandemic restrictions from disembarking to stroll the streets, one group of seafarers has no choice but to be detained, hustled to shore and locked up under guard.

Coronavirus strands merchant ship crews at sea for months

Coronavirus strands merchant ship crews at sea for months
Elena Becatoros and Theodora Tongas June 4, 2020 https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2020/jun/04/coronavirus-strands-mercha...

Number of shipping cyber attacks leaps 400% since February

Number of shipping cyber attacks leaps 400% since February
Sam Chambers June 5th, 2020 https://splash247.com/number-of-shipping-cyber-attacks-leaps-400-since-f...

Israeli maritime cyber security experts Naval Dome claim there has been a 400% spike in shipping-targeted hacks since February this year with the coronavirus pandemic leaving the sector very vulnerable.

Cargo ship damaged after contacting pier, Crete

Cargo ship damaged after contacting pier, Crete
STEPAN KOTCHERGA June 4, 2020 https://www.maritimebulletin.net/2020/06/04/cargo-ship-damaged-after-con...

General cargo ship grounding, Caspian sea

General cargo ship grounding, Caspian sea
STEPAN KOTCHERGA June 4, 2020 https://www.maritimebulletin.net/2020/06/04/general-cargo-ship-grounding...

Manning sector gETS bearing on crew change

Manning sector gETS bearing on crew change
Yashika F. Torib June 3, 2020 https://www.manilatimes.net/2020/06/03/business/maritime-business/mannin...


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