Why are many of our seamen still stranded at Manila Bay

Why are many of our seamen still stranded at Manila Bay
TIMI NUBLA ANCX | May 11 2020 https://news.abs-cbn.com/ancx/culture/spotlight/05/11/20/why-are-many-of...

They’re tired, homesick, and have been on quarantine for days on end. After bringing in so much money to the economy, is this the welcome they deserve?

Fleas to flu to coronavirus: how ‘death ships’ spread disease through the ages

Fleas to flu to coronavirus: how ‘death ships’ spread disease through the ages
Joy Damousi May 11, 2020 https://theconversation.com/fleas-to-flu-to-coronavirus-how-death-ships-...

One of the haunting images of this pandemic will be stationary cruise ships – deadly carriers of COVID-19 – at anchor in harbours and unwanted. Docked in ports and feared.

Philippine shipping company pays $45,000 for sinking Vietnamese boat

Philippine shipping company pays $45,000 for sinking Vietnamese boat
Nguyen Quy May 11, 2020 https://e.vnexpress.net/news/news/philippine-shipping-company-pays-45-00...

The owner of a Philippine cargo ship has paid $45,000 in compensation to a Vietnamese fisherman for ramming and sinking his boat on May 1.

Cargo ship sailors press-ganged into keeping the world's trade afloat

Cargo ship sailors press-ganged into keeping the world's trade afloat
Karen McVeigh 11 May 2020

‘Ticking time bomb’ as contracts aren’t honoured and ports stop crews going ashore even for urgent medical care

Quarantine flags

Quarantine flags
May 9, 2020 https://www.mdislander.com/maine-news/quarantine-flags

SEARSPORT — Staff at the Penobscot Marine Museum delved into the maritime history of quarantines in the museum’s May newsletter.

Indonesia Demands Investigation Into Sea Burials of Indonesian Crew on Chinese Fishing Vessel

Indonesia Demands Investigation Into Sea Burials of Indonesian Crew on Chinese Fishing Vessel
NUR YASMIN MAY 08, 2020 https://jakartaglobe.id/news/indonesia-demands-investigation-into-sea-bu...

Jakarta. The Foreign Affairs Ministry has demanded that the Chinese government investigate the burials at sea of Indonesian crew working on a Chinese fishing vessel.

Crew of diverted tanker 'China Dawn' will face one month’s quarantine before they can get home

Crew of diverted tanker will face one month’s quarantine before they can get home
Sam Chambers May 8th, 2020 https://splash247.com/crew-of-diverted-tanker-will-face-one-months-quara...

The China Dawn, the aframax that altered course from Singapore to India on Tuesday at the behest of the ship’s master, will arrive in Kochi next Thursday where the disembarking crew will not be able to get home for another month.

Lawyers file police report alleging trafficking of Indonesian sailors

Lawyers file police report alleging trafficking of Indonesian sailors
Apriza Pinandita May 9, 2020 https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/05/09/lawyers-file-police-repor...

Indonesian lawyers have filed a report with the police alleging human trafficking of Indonesian crew members aboard Chinese fishing vessel Long Xin 629, following recent viral reports on alleged exploitation of sailors.

Coral reef area damaged by cargo vessel that ran aground off Sarangani Bay

Coral reef area damaged by cargo vessel that ran aground off Sarangani Bay
Ellalyn de Vera Ruiz May 4, 2020 https://news.mb.com.ph/2020/05/04/coral-reef-area-damaged-by-cargo-vesse...

Around 45 square meters of coral reef area was damaged when a 125-foot local cargo and fishing vessel accidentally ran aground off Sarangani Bay after delivering goods in General Santos City last May 1, authorities said yesterday.

General cargo ship attacked, Russian and Ukrainian crew kidnapped

General cargo ship attacked, Russian and Ukrainian crew kidnapped UPDATE
Mikhail Voytenko May 10, 2020 https://www.maritimebulletin.net/2020/05/09/general-cargo-ship-attacked-...


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