ICS to convene emergency global crew change meeting on Thursday

ICS to convene emergency global crew change meeting on Thursday
Sam Chambers March 17th, 2020 https://splash247.com/ics-to-convene-emergency-global-crew-change-meetin...

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) will be using its convening power to bring national shipowning associations from around the world together on Thursday for the first of an ongoing set of meetings designed to identify swift and effective solutions with crew change near the top of the agenda.

Crew change crunch sees ITF okay contract extensions

Crew change crunch sees ITF okay contract extensions
Sam Chambers March 18th, 2020 https://splash247.com/crew-change-crunch-sees-itf-okay-contract-extensions/

Crews keen to either get home or start work are facing unprecedented delays with the trade union, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), giving the effective green light for shipmanagers and owners to extend time onboard through to April 16.

Brussels urged to show leniency towards seafarers in face of European travel ban

Brussels urged to show leniency towards seafarers in face of European travel ban
Sam Chambers March 18th, 2020 https://splash247.com/brussels-urged-to-show-leniency-towards-seafarers-...

The heads of the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) and the European Transport Workers’ Federation have called for leniency from Brussels when it comes to Europe’s blanket travel ban in the wake of the spread of coronavirus.

Seafarer onboard "Corona" bulk carrier hit by Covid-19

Seafarer onboard Corona bulk carrier hit by Covid-19
Sam Chambers March 18th, 2020 https://splash247.com/seafarer-onboard-corona-bulk-carrier-hit-by-covid-19/

South Africa has quarantined its first cargo vessel, a dry bulk carrier with the unfortunate name of Corona, after one sailor contracted Covid-19 and another crewmember has gone into self-isolation.

New video highlights problem of unregistered crewing agencies in India

New video highlights problem of unregistered crewing agencies in India
18/03/2020 https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/new-video-highlights-problem-of-unr...

The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) has released a new video focusing on the risks posed to Indian seafarers who sign up to unlicensed crewing agencies.

Vessels transiting outside Luzon told to reduce capacity by half amid enhanced community quarantine

Vessels transiting outside Luzon told to reduce capacity by half amid enhanced community quarantine
Betheena Kae Unite March 18, 2020, https://news.mb.com.ph/2020/03/18/vessels-transiting-outside-luzon-told-...

Vessels traveling outside Luzon must reduced their capacities by half in order to practice social distancing amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, the Maritime Industry Authority said.

BIMCO producing posters for ships as coronavirus measures enforced

BIMCO producing posters for ships as coronavirus measures enforced
Malcolm Latarche · 18 March 2020 https://shipinsight.com/articles/bimco-producing-posters-for-ships-as-co...

New MARINA chief Empedrad vows a corrupt-free agency

New Marina chief Empedrad vows a corrupt-free agency
Genivi Factao March 18, 2020 https://www.manilatimes.net/2020/03/18/business/maritime-business/new-ma...

Newly installed Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) Administrator VAdm Robert A. Empedrad on Monday assured all the stakeholders in the maritime industry that they would see reforms to eradicate corruption and ensure a vibrant seafaring industry.

Vessels allowed to unload cargo

Vessels allowed to unload cargo
March 17, 2020 https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/1848927

THE Cebu Ports Authority (CPA) is allowing cargo vessels to unload their cargo here despite the ban on boat passengers from the National Capital Region and other areas in the country to prevent the entry of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19).

Seafarer’s psychological disorder as compensable work-related illness

Seafarer’s psychological disorder as compensable work-related illness
ATTY. DENNIS GORECHO - | March 17,2020 https://cebudailynews.inquirer.net/294661/seafarers-psychological-disord...

A seafarer’s psychological disorder or schizophrenia is considered as a compensable work-related illness triggered by the work environment on board the vessel.


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