A Cruise-Ship Crew Member Describes a Failed Effort to Contain the Coronavirus

A Cruise-Ship Crew Member Describes a Failed Effort to Contain the Coronavirus
Elaina Patton March 11, 2020 https://www.newyorker.com/news/as-told-to/a-cruise-ship-crew-member-desc...

Crew of international cargo ships cannot disembark in Cebu ports

Crew of international cargo ships cannot disembark in Cebu ports
10/03/2020 https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/crew-of-international-cargo-ships-c...

The crew of international cargo ships are not allowed to disembark in any ports within the vicinity of Cebu City.

Cargo ships can dock except those from HK, Macau

Cargo ships can dock except those from HK, Macau
Krixia Subingsubing - March 12, 2020 https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1240281/cargo-ships-can-dock-except-those-...

Even as confirmed cases of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continued to rise, the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) on Wednesday said it would still keep all ports open to all commercial cargo ships while doubling down on sanitation and quarantine measures on all ship crew and personnel.

Shortage of seafarers opens the door for new recruits

Shortage of seafarers opens the door for new recruits
Brett Ruskin Mar 09, 2020 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/shortage-of-seafarers-opens-t...

About 90% of global trade relies on nautical shipping, according to Master Mariners of Canada

Brenda V. Pimentel: Developing the country’s maritime human capital; Last part--STCW Convention – impact on human resource development

Developing the country’s maritime human capital
Brenda V. Pimentel March 11, 2020 https://www.manilatimes.net/2020/03/11/business/maritime-business/develo...

Last part
STCW Convention – impact on human resource development

Shipping “Sweats” as Coronavirus “Fever” Spreads Globally

Shipping “Sweats” as Coronavirus “Fever” Spreads Globally
10/03/2020 https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/shipping-sweats-as-coronavirus-feve...

International Chamber of Shipping releases Coronavirus guidance

International Chamber of Shipping releases Coronavirus guidance
Luisa Romeo 10 March 2020 https://infrastructuremagazine.com.au/2020/03/10/international-chamber-o...

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), in collaboration with bodies such as the World Health Organization, has issued a guide to stop the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) within the shipping industry.

Shipowners want suspension of advisory limiting cadets for shipboard training

Shipowners want suspension of advisory limiting cadets for shipboard training
Yashika F. Torib March 11, 2020 https://www.manilatimes.net/2020/03/11/business/maritime-business/shipow...

Domestic shipowners urged the Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) to suspend a recent advisory it released that limits the number of cadets to be accommodated onboard ships for their shipboard training.

Shipping organisations flag-up freedom of movement restrictions in coronavirus fight

Shipping organisations flag-up freedom of movement restrictions in coronavirus fight
Marcus Hand | Mar 10, 2020 https://www.seatrade-maritime.com/regulation/shipping-organisations-flag...

The Roundtable of shipping organisations has flagged up the potential implications on the growing number of restrictions by ports on the free movement of seafarers in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

More inclusivity in the maritime industry

More inclusivity in the maritime industry
March 11, 2020 https://www.manilatimes.net/2020/03/11/business/maritime-business/more-i...

March 8 was International Women’s Day, so I would like to recognize the women who shine in the firmament of the maritime world.


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