MSC container ship crashed pilot boat, Gioia Tauro

MSC container ship crashed pilot boat, Gioia Tauro
STEPAN KOTCHERGA January 18, 2020

Italian court rules it was wrong to arrest migrant ship captain

Italian court rules it was wrong to arrest migrant ship captain
AFP 17 January 2020

Italy's highest court on Friday agreed that Carola Rackete, the German captain of a migrant rescue ship, should not have been arrested for forcibly docking in Sicily.

Master found intoxicated, arrested, Oresund

Master found intoxicated, arrested, Oresund
Erofey Schkvarkin January 17, 2020

Master fined for delay in reporting main engine breakdown

Master fined for delay in reporting main engine breakdown
Nick Blenkey January 17, 2020

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) reports that the master of a ship has been convicted after failing to report without delay a main engine breakdown off Queensland, Australia that affected the safety, operation and seaworthiness of his ship.

German freighter lost deck cargo, interrupted voyage, Atlantic, Spain

German freighter lost deck cargo, interrupted voyage, Atlantic, Spain
NIKOLAY TORKIN January 18, 2020

Pinoy reafarers remit $6 billion in Jan-Nov 2019

Remittance growth slows in Nov.
January 16, 2020

MONEY sent home by overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) recorded its slowest pace of growth in nearly five months in November due to lingering global uncertainties.

House, DTI team up to regulate PHL shipping costs

House, DTI team up to regulate PHL shipping costs
January 16, 2020

Legislators are now looking at regulating shipping rates in the country and lowering costs for importers, in efforts to bring down prices of consumer goods.

P&O accused of exploiting staff working on ferries sailing between Hull and Europe--Pinoy seafarers under 'punishing conditions'

P&O accused of exploiting staff working on ferries sailing between Hull and Europe
Alex Wood 16 January 2020

P&O Ferries has been accused of "doubling down on seafarer exploitation" by taking on Filipino crews on "punishing" working conditions.

More incidents of robberies against ships in Singapore Strait last year

More incidents of robberies against ships in Singapore Strait last year
Lim Min Zhang Jan 15, 2020

2 ships with S. Korean crew members held in Indonesia for violating territorial waters

2 ships with S. Korean crew members held in Indonesia for violating territorial waters
Jan 15, 2020 -

SEOUL/JAKARTA -- Two ships with South Korean crew members have been held in Indonesia, one for more than three months, for violating territorial waters, the foreign ministry said Wednesday.


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